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Hello, my name is Tracy Doran. I'll start off back when I had my daughter in 2002 and an ankle fusion in 2004 because of my RA (rheumatoid arthritis). Due to my pregnancy, and with no help from the ankle injury, I had gained about 100lbs. Fast forward to early 2007. I was about to turn 30. Still overweight 3 years later I couldn't blame it on my post pregnancy weight and the ankle injury any longer. I realized it was time I started the gym. At the same time, I was introduced to a diet Dr. who prescribed me diet pills. I lost about 75lbs and I was down to a size 6 for the first time since I had my daughter. Then it happened! All of a sudden I was gaining weight back. I was mortified! No matter how much I worked out and ate right the weight kept piling back on. Frustrated I quit working out all together and let myself go even further. It was now July 2010. I decided it was time to go to the doctors because the more I thought about it, the more it didn't make sense to me. BAM! That's when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. My Thyroid Disease was a direct correlation of me taking those diet pills. Needless to say, I stopped taking the diet pills and my weight was out of control and so was my life. Fast Forward to September 2015. I started going to a lot of concerts and shows and taking lots of pictures. Pictures that I had to crop because I was not happy with how I looked. So instead of just accepting that my body is what it is, I decided I needed to make a change. A REAL change!

Fed up with the way I looked and felt, I decided to contact Gordon who I have known for over 16 years now. He wrote me out a meal plan and an exercise routine designed specifically for me that was put into action. I started eating right and lost about 20lbs. Fast forward to January 14th 2016, the day I decided to step foot back in the gym; the day I will never forget. I was hooked! I forgot that feeling you get after a great workout and it was amazing! I started feeling that sense of accomplishment. I would do cardio for at least 20-25 mins. 2-3 times a week on the elliptical machine and weight training with super sets 4-5 times a week. Now I couldn't imagine a day that goes by where health and fitness isn't part of my life in one way, shape or form. I have not achieved my long-term goal yet but I am still a work in progress. I started out at 236lbs and I am currently at 171lbs, and still losing, and most importantly toning up my body. I see such a difference in my body from doing this the CORRECT way. My muscle definition is showing more than ever and I am so much stronger! No diet pills or any kind of short cuts. I am now eating healthier than ever and working out harder than ever. I love how I am looking and feeling. My new addiction is lifting weights. Seeing how strong I really am, not only on the outside but on the inside, has given me more confidence in the work field, with friendships and with relationships. I now know that there are no quick fixes when it comes to being healthy and fit. And when it comes to weight loss, health & fitness Gordon has really known what is best for me. I finally feel like I got my life back! Thank you Gordon for all of your help throughout this journey.

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